È noto fin dagli anni ’70, a partire dalle ricerche di Herbert Simon, che l’attenzione è una risorsa scarsa e oggi siamo consapevoli che il sovraccarico cognitivo a cui siamo…
Členskou základnu sdružení Climate & Sustainable Leaders Czech Republic rozšířila komunikační skupina Omnicom Media Group. Stala se 21. členem spolku a prvním subjektem ze segmentu marketingu a médií. Platformě chce pomoci zvýšit kredibilitu tématu udržitelnosti v českém mediálním…
Omnicom Media Group (OMG) rozšíří od nového roku spolupráci se společností LG, pro kterou od roku 2020 zajišťuje nákup a plánování médií. Od nového roku přidává další, a to na poli PR, CRM,…
Do vedení konzultační divize Transact mediální skupiny Omnicom Media Group (OMG), zaměřené na e-commerce řešení, nastoupil Daniel Blažek. Pozice Transact Directora se ujal od 1. prosince 2022. Nahrazuje Dušana Murča, který pro Transact bude pracovat dál…
Nell’ormai lontano 2016 Geoffrey Hinton, uno dei più noti scienziati dei nostri tempi in ambito di Deep Learning, fece una delle sue tanto famose quanto controverse dichiarazioni. Davanti alla platea di una…
Omnicom Media Group MENA has announced the promotion of Elda Choucair from COO to CEO. Elie Khouri will now concentrate on his role of Chairman and ensure a seamless transition…
This article was written by Elie Khouri and originally published by Campaign Middle East. 2018 has marked the anniversaries of several important events, including 100 years since the end of…
This article was originally published by Gulf News. Dubai: More than $1 billion a year spent on advertising in the Middle East and North Africa is ending up in Silicon Valley.…
This article was originally published by Beet.TV Having spent more than 25 years on the sales side of the television business, Catherine Sullivan thinks AT&T’s new Xandr unit can…
This excerpt is featured in an article originally published by Adweek. If the transition from print and over-the-air broadcasts to digital has been challenging, that’s nothing compared to mobile... One…