This article was originally published by WSJ. The platform, Omni, includes a tool to determine which creative images and language might resonate with a desired audience, as well as a…
This article was originally published by Campaign Asia When Omnicom Media Group launched its first operation in APAC twenty years ago, starting with OMD Hong Kong, the market dynamics were…
This article was originally published by MediaPost. When Omnicom unveiled “Omni,” its homegrown data and information technology hub, last summer, it was touted as a “people-based precision-marketing and insights platform.”…
This article was originally published by the Wall Street Journal. Omnicom Group Inc. has named Scott Hagedorn the North American chief executive for the unit that houses all of its media-buying businesses.…
This article was originally published by MediaPost. “The good news is there’s technology and data finally coming to market to put the pieces back together,” Jonathan Steuer, chief research officer,...